Previously, I went over the process of writing an Away3D parser but skipped how to actually interpret the data in a file. In this article, I’m going to talk about the structure of an OBJ file (less complicated than SOUR), how it’s typical of all 3D files, and how in...
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How to Create a 3D Avatar Manually in Blender
MakeHuman is a great tool for generating humanoid character models quickly. Still, it has its limitations. At present, the hair and clothing options are extremely limited, it can’t do non-humanoid avatars, and even its “proxies” are too high-poly for mobile games. Before I discovered MakeHuman, I learned how to create...
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Writing an Away3D Parser
A big part of creating the SOUR format was writing a parser to get the models into Away3D. (A parser is a part of a program which reads data in a storage format and changes it into a usable format.) In this article, I’m going to go through the basics...
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SOUR Update: Attachment Points
Note: SOUR was created during my time with Kumoshi.
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Introducing SOUR, a custom 3D Format
SOUR is a custom 3D file format designed to bridge the gap between Blender and Away3D. Aren’t there other formats which Blender exports and Away3D reads? Yes there are: OBJ, 3DS, MD2, MD5, AC3D, DAE. However, none of these formats except for DAE can save vertex tangents, and the DAE...
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